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Alta Mar Condominium Association, Inc.


Q:        What are my voting rights in the condominium association?

A:         An Association member is entitled to one vote for each unit owned. Generally speaking, Unit Owners are entitled to vote for the election of Directors, the level of reserve funding, waiver of certain financial reporting requirements, and amendments to the Declaration, Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Association. Owners are entitled to vote in person, electronically or by limited proxy. The election of Directors is conducted at the annual meeting through a balloting procedure.


Q:        What restrictions exist in the condominium documents on my right to use my unit?

A:         Article 14 of the Amended and Restated Declaration of Condominium, contains restrictions regarding occupancy, residential use, nuisances, smoking, garbage, vehicle, pets, and signs. The foregoing is only a listing of some of these restrictions. Additional restrictions may be found in the Amended and Restated Declaration of Condominium and Amended and Restated Rules and Regulations. All prospective buyers are urged to review the Condominium Document carefully.


Q:        What restrictions exist in the condominium documents on the leasing of my unit?

A:         Entire Units may be leased as set forth in Article 16 (copy available from Management Office) of the Amended and Restated Declaration of Condominium. No lease of a Unit shall be for a period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days, or one (1) calendar month, and no more than four (4) leases of each Unit shall commence in any one calendar year..


Q:        How much are my assessments to the condominium association for my unit type and when are they due?

A:         Assessments are due on the 1st of each month. Below shows what the assessment is per unit:


                     1B/1.5B   880 sq ft   $582.97

                     2B/2.5B   1189 sq ft   $804.46

                     2B/2.5B   1213 sq ft   $829.16

                     2B/2B   1359 sq ft   $913.97

                    3B/2B   1722 sq ft   $1,106.65


Q:        Do I have to be a member in any other association?

A:         No.


Q:        Am I required to pay rent or land use fees for recreational or other commonly used facilities?

A.         No.


Q:        Is the condominium association or other mandatory membership association involved in any cases in which it may face liability in excess of $100,000?

A:         No.

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